Bab 3 ''Degree of Comparison''
Hallo kali ini aku mau kasih info tentang Degree of Comparison Disimak Yuks.... Pengertian Degree of Comparison Degree of comparison adalah bentuk adjective (kata sifat) atau adverb (kata keterangan) yang menyatakan perbandingan. Ada tiga degree of comparison , yaitu: positive , comparative , dan superlative degree . contoh kalimat degrees of comparison Macam, Aturan, dan Contoh Kalimat Degrees of Comparison Positive Degree Ketika digunakan untuk menyatakan perbandingan, positive degree harus digunakan bersama correlative conjunction as … as . Positive degree berupa bentuk standar adjective dan adverb tanpa perubahan apapun. Contoh Positive Degree: adjective: beautiful, difficult, easy, much, tired adverb: carefully, fast, gently, much, quickly Contoh Kalimat Positive Degree: 1 The task is not as difficult as you imagine. (Tugas tersebut tidak sesulit yang kamu bayangkan.) 2 The test was as e...
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